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Montserrat Magallán

Montserrat Magallán

Montserrat Magallán is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Global Business from Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico. She is the general marketing coordinator of a blockchain startup called CINCEL, and she is the Director of International Affairs at Laboratory of Policies for Security and Development (LSD), a Yucatán based think tank. She founded a social enterprise. Montserrat has a diploma in Democracy and Leadership from the Organization of American States (OAS) with an honorable mention. She has been published in the 1828 Journal (UK), FemEcon (Chile) and El Hilo MX (Mexico). She speaks five languages. Her intellectual influences include Israel Kirzner, Joseph Schumpeter, Ludwig von Mises, Esther Duflo and Ayn Rand.

Institution: Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico

Interests: Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology

Published Work:
Charter Cities are a remedy to end local poverty around the world – 1828