Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
To get started, please select your region on the map.

Write for us

We welcome you to contribute to the Students For Liberty blog

You can submit your piece(s) for consideration if it is original (not previously published). You may submit a piece based on your own personal experience and/or opinion on an issue and we will notify you if it’s suitable for publication.

Why Write for Students For Liberty?

Get personal exposure

pro-liberty ideas

Connect with a global readership

Network with fellow bloggers

Get a byline at the end of your submission

Get personal exposure

Spread pro-liberty ideas

Connect with a global readership

Network with fellow bloggers

Get a byline at the end of your submission

What kind of posts should you contribute?

We love to receive content that educates, entertains, and inspires our readers to build a freer future.

You are welcome to submit blogs that relate to the official Students For Liberty stances below. We highly recommend that you read the overview pages for each stance thoroughly before making a contribution to ensure your content aligns with our values.

Peace, Love,

Freedom of

Don’t Tread
on Anyone


Peace, Love,

Freedom of

Don’t Tread
on Anyone



We agree to:
– Support your work by sharing your article with our social audiences and other channels as needed.
– Include an author byline with your contact information.
You agree to:
– Share the article to your social media networks and email lists (if applicable).
– Give Students For Liberty full ownership of your article (SFL will remain the original source of your blog).

Submitting Blogs

Please email your blog to [email protected] with ‘Blog Submission’ in the subject line. Please allow up to 14 business days for a reply. Due to our limited capacity, we will only respond to submissions which have been accepted.

Send within the body of the email (not as attachments) the following:
1. Title of your article
2. Article text
3. Your bio – 120 words or less
4. Link to your website and social media profiles
PHOTO: Plus please attach to your email your bio photo (high resolution, square, minimum size 250 x 250 px, jpg format).

Important – Our Terms

By submitting blogs to Students For Liberty you agree that:

– Submitting an article for consideration does not guarantee that it will be published.
– You will not be compensated for your submission.
– You accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
– You reserve the right for Students For Liberty to edit your content within reason for the purpose of clarity and correctness.