Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
To get started, please select your region on the map.

Check out our Spring 2022 Regional Conferences and register for the event nearest you!

On Saturday, March 19th, 2022 SFL Canada will be hosting the first ever All-Canada Conference! It will feature an afternoon and evening of virtual programming on prominent regional, national, and global issues, followed by local in-person socials across the country.

Advocates of liberty often highlight the importance of entrepreneurship, free enterprise, and free markets to the success of a free and open society. At the West Regional Conference on March 26th, 2022 at Brigham Young University, we’ll be joined by founders, business leaders, and other entrepreneurs who will discuss the value of entrepreneurship in a free society and will provide attendees with concrete lessons that they can apply to their own entrepreneurial journey.

The conference is called ‘Liberty and Action: How Change Happens.’ Students For Liberty will be collaborating with political, business, and activist leadership to educate the general public about what steps are needed to make change happen in their communities. This conference will take place in Boston on April 9th, 2022, location TBA!

Students For Liberty at Ohio State University are excited to promote our Midwest Regional Conference called ‘What is the Point of the Second Amendment?’ On Saturday and Sunday, April 8th – 9th, 2022, we will be discussing the history and constitutionality of the right to bear arms.

Students For Liberty at the University of South Carolina presents the 2022 Southeast Regional Conference: Rooted In Liberty! Join us on April 16th, 2022 to discover our roots and connect the lessons learned from historical battles for liberty to the topics of the modern era.

The Students For Liberty Local Coordinator Program is the premier program for actively advancing the ideas of free market and individual liberty on college campuses

SFL Local Coordinators (LCs), both undergraduate and graduate students, are the face of liberty on their college campuses. They are the muscle of the movement, empowering students in their areas to defend ideas of liberty.

With SFL Academy you have the unique chance to learn more about liberty in an gamified and social environment. You’ll be able to take a course, discuss it with like minded individuals from all over the globe, and share your achievements with them.

Learn Liberty is your resource for exploring the ideas of a free society. We tackle big questions about what makes society free or prosperous and how we can improve the world we live in.


The Prometheus Fellowship Program is a once-in-a-lifetime, multi-year fellowship opportunity for the top 50 students in SFL; it follows SFL’s formula of combining education, training, and empowerment with mentorship.