Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Local Coordinator Program

Local Coordinator Program

The Students For Liberty Local Coordinator Program is the premier program for actively advancing the ideas of free markets and individual liberty on college campuses.


SFL looks for elite students to spread libertarian values by starting chapters, organizing events, sharing resources, and recruiting more libertarian students to the movement. Students of any education level are welcome to apply. In well over a hundred countries around the world, SFL Coordinators are advancing libertarianism and building a freer future!

Complete the online application

SFL will contact you if you are selected

Those who are accepted to the LC training program will be required to complete our online training program.

Ideal Candidates Will Have the Following Qualities

The Local Coordinator Program is highly competitive, and designed for the top student leaders in North America. All members of SFL’s Local Coordinator Program must be current university students (undergraduate or graduate) in either the United States or Canada.
Applicants interested in becoming a Local Coordinators should be able to dedicate 5-10 hours per week to the program for one academic year. Successful applicants will be professional, personable and excellent communicators.

Alignment with principles of free markets and limited government
Interest in founding or running an existing libertarian student group
Ability and ambition to manage multiple libertarian projects at once
Looking to develop their own skill sets to become better advocates
 Strong self-motivation to complete projects with limited or no oversight
Passion to share the ideas of libertarianism and identify potential talent


SFL 2023-2024 North American Local Coordinator Application

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