Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Themis Sakellariou

Themis Sakellariou

Programs Marketing Specialist

Bio: Themis Sakellariou has a BSc in History and Philosophy of Science. In parallel with her position in SFL , she is the Political Editor of the Unplug Mag and a member of Aristides Hatzis’ research team regarding the Greek War of Independence. She’s a Local Coordinator for Students for Liberty in Athens since May 2019. For the past three years she is a proud member of the TEDxAthens organizing team and in the beginning of 2020 she joined the organizing committee of the WeFor NGO. During the summer of 2018 she completed her internship in the Center for Liberal Studies of Greece (KeFiM).

Favorite Figures in Liberty: John Stuart Mill, Camille Paglia

On Students For Liberty: “SFL creates stories that could change one’s thinking.”