Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Jan Škapa

Jan Škapa

Senior Director of Systems

Bio: Jan is the Senior Director of Systems at Students For Liberty. He has an undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering & IT and two graduate degrees (one in Corporate Finance from Brno University of Technology and another in Law from Masaryk University). He worked as a web developer and project manager since 2007 and now he owns a web business in the Czech Republic.  He is a permanent self-learner – being interested in IT, tech, economics, business, law and things that combine them (e.g. blockchain).

In 2013 he co-founded Students for Liberty Czech Republic, a fast-growing, nation-wide student organization dedicated to connecting students while spreading the ideas of liberty. He loves to ride a bike and plays tennis.

Favorite Figures in Liberty: Matt Ridley, Fredéric Bastiat, Lawrence Reed, Henry Hazlitt, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard

On Students For Liberty: “Students For Liberty is about bringing people together. It is about showing others that borders really don’t mean anything at all. It is about individuals and their vast variety of different talents and skills. It is about living one’s own life and respecting the right of others to do the same. It is about good morale, the strength of character and one’s own opinion. In other words, it is about friendship, fun, and freedom.”