Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Oswaldo Silva Martinez

Oswaldo Silva Martinez

EsLibertad Leadership Programs Associate

Bio:  Oswaldo is from Venezuela and has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Universidad Central de Venezuela. During his student time, he served as a teaching assistant to the Chair of Constitutional Law at International Studies School. He was elected as a student representative to the Council of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences and the university’s Electoral Commission. Besides that, Oswaldo is an alumnus of the LIDERA Program, the largest network of young leaders in his country.

He joined SFL in 2014 as part of the first generation of the EsLibertad Local Coordinators Program, then serving as the Regional Director for Venezuela (2016-2017). In May 2018, he joined SFL staff.

In March 2021, Oswaldo published “Despues del Socialismo, Libertad” (After Socialism, Liberty), a book he wrote with six other SFL alumni. They make a profound analysis of Venezuela from a pro-liberty perspective and postulate different solutions for their country’s biggest problems.

Favorite Figures in Liberty: Carlos Rangel, Friedrich Hayek and Juan Ramón Rallo.

On Students For Liberty: “Thanks to SFL, I have learned in-depth the philosophy of liberty and how to promote ideas to impact our society positively. Being part of the team has been an enriching experience for me and a great platform to develop change-making initiatives in Latin America and the rest of the world.”