Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Florian F. Windberger

Florian F. Windberger

North American Programs Events Associate

Bio:Working in the Austrian start-up ecosphere for more than five years, Florian F. Windberger has managed and supported numerous smaller companies, the most recent of which was a local art incubator and event company called 16 Grad Wien. Florian joined ESFL in 2020, working as an LC, then NC for Austria, and finally as a Regional Coordinator for the DACH region in 2021. During his time in ESFL, he spearheaded the restructuring and rebranding of the German and International ESFL blogs, created the DACH-wide monthly meetups, and was the winner of the first SFL Debating Championship in 2021. He completed his MA in Philosophy with distinction and is an avid world traveler, chess enthusiast, bass player, and hobby cook.

Favourite figures of liberty: Zhuangzi, Robert A. Heinlein, Friedrich A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell

On Students For Liberty: “Students For Liberty has enabled me to contribute to the liberty movement by doing my part in educating and empowering the next generation of classical liberals. It has long ceased to be a passionate side project and has instead evolved into a highly engaging, exciting, and intellectually satisfying avenue of my daily existence – something that I would like to nourish and foster with great care in the upcoming years.”