Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Bradley Hunt

Bradley Hunt

North American Programs Intern

Bio: Bradley became a libertarian when he was 16 after studying economics and political philosophy. At the age of 18, he founded a local Libertarian Party affiliate with his new best friend Zach Boyle. For his efforts as its Founding Chairman, he was offered the position of Media Director for the Libertarian Party of Michigan where he won the Libby Award: Promotion at their state convention. In 2016, he was Campaign Manager for his best friend and party co-founder Zach Boyle when he ran for County Commissioner. Although he did not win, he received more votes than any other third-party candidate in Michigan that year. Shortly after, he was incarcerated for 40 months. During his incarceration, he recruited and lead an organization of libertarian activists calling themselves Prisoners for Liberty. He spent his time reading self-help books, political philosophy, and the Bible, facilitating self-help classes, getting physically fit, becoming an entrepreneur, and getting an Associate’s degree in Business Administration at Jackson College. After prison, he started his studies at a private, pro free-market school called Northwood University to get a Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems. During this time, he became a cryptocurrency investor and a Local Coordinator at Students for Liberty before moving onto the North American Programs Internship he currently serves.

Favourite figures of liberty: Ayn Rand, Lawrence Reed, Adam Kokesh, Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht, Cody Wilson, Thomas Jefferson, John Bush, Roger Ver, Thomas Paine, John Hancock, Tom Woods, Eric July, John Brown, David and Charles Koch, F.A. Hayek, and Murray Rothbard.

On Students For Liberty: ‘Students for Liberty has given me the chance to start my career in the Liberty Movement. It is a dream come true and I am thankful that they see potential in me despite my past mistakes that still plague my life.’