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New England Region: Fighting Back in a Progressive Stronghold


New England might seem like a stronghold of progressive big-government thinking from the outside, and especially on campus, but it’s also a stronghold for Students For Liberty. 

With 17 leaders, our New England region comes out on top with both the most leaders and the highest density of coordinators in North America. The threat to liberty in this area is very real, but our students are on site, prepared, and ready to fight back. 

Because of you, they have the skills and experience and are empowered to get that work done. 

Take Ethan Yang, for example. An ambitious and driven student at Trinity College, he organized high-attendance events (including a major conference), and created excellent training events that covered everything from time in the classroom to community-building in an apple orchard. 
As our top recruiter, Ethan is also ensuring that the legacy of freedom will live on when he has graduated. Perhaps Ethan’s own legacy at Trinity College will be the organization he founded, The Mark Twain Center for the Study of Human Freedom.

Ethan Yang, Students For Liberty coordinator at Trinity College
Ethan Yang

You made it possible for Ethan to have this success and to build a successful program that will see liberty protected for years to come. 

“The reason why I’m passionate about Students for Liberty is because it’s an organization that’s truly dedicated to supporting and developing student leaders across the world,” Ethan told us.

“It empowers young people to reach new heights and trust them with enormous confidence to spread liberty in their own way. As an SFL activist, I am inspired by the amazing leaders who are students, just like me who are taking bold steps to make the world a freer more prosperous place. Just knowing that this amazing network exists motivated me to push my limits and become the best leader I could be.

Without the help of SFL, I would have never had the confidence or the knowledge to start the Mark Twain Center at Trinity College, a student led, faculty supported think tank. Through my experience with SFL I not only learned how to construct academic programs, host complicated events, and manage other student leaders, but I was also inspired to push myself to do so after seeing all the incredible things other students around the world were doing.”

Colleen Heeney from UMass Dartmouth created a place on campus where like-minded people could share ideas they won’t hear from their professors. 

Without Students For Liberty, I would not have been able to bring a much-needed libertarian presence to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus.”

Colleen Heeney

“Upon arriving at UMass Dartmouth as a new graduate student, I knew that I wanted to start a club where students could learn about and discuss individual liberty, the free market, and other topics not touched on by their professors. Students For Liberty equipped me with not only the materials that I would need to get this club started, but with the knowledge I would need to inspire other students to think about the world differently and to challenge the idea that more government is the answer to all of society’s problems. I am eternally grateful for SFL’s investment in me as a leader and for their commitment to helping students, like myself, spread the message of liberty on college campuses that may not have otherwise had someone with the tools to spread the message on their own.”

As a transfer student to the University of Connecticut, SFL helped Isadore Johnson find his place and his passion.

“I came into sophomore year a transfer student at the University of Connecticut, unsure of my identity, and place in the broader school community. Students for Liberty changed that. As I got involved in their wonderful conferences, and their one-to-one mentoring, my skills grew immensely as I was exposed to nonstop opportunities.”

Isadore Johnson

In July, Isadore won our first-ever debate competition, which was judged by Constitutional scholar Randy Barnett, libertarian philosopher Jason Brennan, and Vice President for International Programs at the Atlas Network, Tom Palmer. You provided him with the training that prepared him for this win and for whatever his future holds.

Isadore credits Students For Liberty with setting himself up for success now and for his future endeavors. 

“Because of (SFL), I have partnerships with prominent libertarian think-tanks and organizations. Without Students for Liberty, I certainly would not be winning scholarships, national debate championships, or writing articles for national newspapers.”

Our leaders in New England are working in their communities, too. Jeremy Chandler from Northeastern University started the nonprofit Little Liberty to help people of color improve their finances.

Jeremy Chandler

“I’ve always been a libertarian at heart. However, SFL has given me the resources to pragmatically implement libertarian thought and activist techniques within my community,” he said.

“Using resources and a network provided by SFL, I’ve been able to hand out pocket constitutions, books focussing on liberty, attend both regional and national conferences, and found a small business to help develop financial literacy within my community. The name of that business is Little Liberty, it is a small financial consultancy primarily serving people of color.”

These are just a few of the amazing students fighting for liberty in Students For Liberty’s New England region. It is a region that has many obstacles, but also has many champions to overcome them to protect the future.

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