Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Media Hits

Here you will find the latest media mentions covering Students For Liberty staff, students, events, and partnerships happening throughout the world.

Our work comprises many initiatives across outreach, development, student acquisition, donor relations, education, and more. Periodically we send out press releases, newsletters, and invitations to events. We also are active across several social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Our flagship event, LibertyCon, is held annually in D.C. where over 1,200 attendees across business, tech, journalism, and the public policy sector meet to network, debate, and celebrate liberty. Furthermore, we also host LibertyCon conferences in Latin America, Brazil, and Europe.

In 2019, we acquired the Learn Liberty brand from the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS). This comprises of a YouTube channel with over 1,500 videos, as well as Learn Liberty’s website and social media channels. With this acquisition, we aim to not only grow the Learn Liberty audience through engaging liberty content, but vet out high quality contenders for our Local Coordinator Program, which consist of student leaders who passionately advocate for liberty all throughout the world. As such, we remain the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.

Would you like to get in touch? We’re always happy to speak with journalists, podcasters, or media personalities about Students For Liberty’s mission and vision, and how we believe we are truly empowering our student leaders and alumni to change the world.

Students for Liberty has received media mentions in major news outlets including:

  • Forbes

  • Die Welt

  • The Wall Street Journal

  • The Washington Examiner

  • The Daily Caller

  • Daily Kos

  • Townhall

  • Reason

  • C-p

Scroll through our media hits and drop us a line by visiting the Contact Us page. Happy reading!

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