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Africa Leader’s Digest Event Updates: October 2020


Local Coordinators Meet-up in Nigeria & Tanzania!

In Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, our leaders gathered to discuss how to encourage their communities to engage with the message of liberty throughout the country.

Similarly, in Tanzania, Local Coordinators met on the weekend of September 12 to discuss ways to bring the message of liberty to their communities.

End the Drug War Campaign in Sierra Leone!

Sierra Leone’s Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology was the venue for the End the Drug War; Effect of Prohibition event, which took place on September 18, 2020. We welcomed 55 students from universities and colleges in Makeni city. 

Mr. Amadu Koroma, a lecturer at EBK University, shared insights on drug abuse in Sierra Leone and how the government has attempted to deal with this problem thus far. He expressed a strong message about safeguarding human rights in the country. The event organizer, Ishmael Roland Kamara, the National Coordinator for Sierra Leone, encouraged participants to become members of ASFL’s Sierra Leone Chapter to assist in the fight for liberty.

Bodily Autonomy vs Moral Code

The event tackled issues pertaining to individuality and the role of morality and culture in the increasing cases of harassment and gender-based violence. Our speakers, including Ms. Thiga, Ms. Abisola and Mr. Edam, spoke about cultures and moral codes that have threatened the principle of self-ownership over one’s body. They discussed ways to harmonize culture with the principles of liberty and self-expression free from harassment, specifically in the context of Africa.

The Libertarian Approach to Poverty

It is not incorrect to point out that in many traditional African societies, more value is given to the importance of education for boys at the expense of girls. Female enrolment in primary/basic schools has suffered major setbacks in the past. While some countries such as Botswana, Namibia, and Tanzania, among others, have achieved notable increases in parity with male enrolment, many African countries are yet to heed the wake-up call.

Therefore, for this event, it was necessary to dig deep into the reasons behind the lingering gender gap between male and female education across Africa.

A Better World: Open Borders & Free Trade

The vision of a world of peace, love, and liberty is constantly threatened by policies that limit freedom. The global pandemic has further shifted the focus of policy makers towards enacting laws that further hamper freedom. Closed borders and restrictions on trade are at the forefront of the supposed solutions favored by policy makers around the globe to combat the pandemic. Sadly, this is only creating a less free world.

Over 40 attendees joined the webinar to discuss what we all need to do in order to create a freer world. Abisola Olaiya, Regional Coordinator for Nigeria, hosted David E. Shellenberger, an advocate for international liberty, for a discussion of these global issues. Shellenberger took the participants through the origins of the state, immigration, the moral case for free trade, why governments prevent free trade, and the ideas behind anarchism.

O Principio Politico da Liberdade

The theme of this event is a response to the fact that human conduct needs to be guided, with the principle of liberty serving as its foundation. Speakers included Nathan Fatal, Students ForLiberty’s Global Trainings Director, Jorge Miguel Teixeira, the National Coordinator for Portugal, and Ivanildo Santos Terceiro, Communications Manager for SFL in Brazil.

Online Debate: Lockdown and Economies of Third World Countries

Lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been a subject of concern for most of the world, but especially in Third World countries. Some people believe that lockdowns are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, while others believe that lockdowns only serve to sabotage the progress of developing economies. Our leaders in Zambia joined their Zimbabwean counterparts for a discussion on this issue. While it was a fascinating debate around varying positions, eliciting vibrant and empirical evidence both for and against the restrictions, it was concluded that as the lockdowns ease off and normal activities  gradually resume, African economies and those of many developing countries need to shy away from further restrictions in order to awaken crippled economies.

The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth

Abisola Olaiya, Regional Coordinator in Nigeria, explained that the harsh conditions and regulations for small and medium-sized businesses will continue to adversely affect entrepreneurship and hamper economic potential if not urgently addressed. The event was organized by Oluwadamilola Adepoju, National Coordinator for Nigeria.

Involuntary Male Circumcision 

The event saw Moses Sinkala, National Coordinator for Zambia, discuss issues around the deep-rooted cultural factors that are used to justify involuntary male circumcision. The conversation generated many contributions from the audience, seeking to reach some sort of consensus on how best to address the matter while being sensitive to cultures. It was agreed that, faced with the significant challenge of involuntary male circumcision in many African communities, creating awareness around abolishing the practice is a strong way to communicate how it can be curtailed.

Libertarian Approach on Global Peace

SFL National Coordinator, Chike Donald Ibewuike, shared his perspective on how rulers might not share people’s wishes for global peace. He delved greatly into how libertarians believe that there is a natural harmony of interests when the action of every individual is informed by the common good of peace. It is not news that war disrupts the spontaneous order of the economy, brings chaos on a grand scale, and puts the power in the hands of the ruling class. The need for a more peaceful world is extremely important, as our lives and prosperity depend on it. Ensuring that peace prevails will bring about a more favorable environment for liberty to flourish.

To see what more of our students are planning, don’t forget to check out our Events page by clicking on the button below. 

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