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5 reasons not to miss Freer Future Fest 2021


Students For Liberty’s new annual flagship event, Freer Future Fest, is fast approaching! This unique festival of liberty will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 9, 2021, at First Horizon Park.

Those who have previously attended our annual conference, formerly known as LibertyCon, will need no further encouragement to join us again this year. However, if you are still undecided on whether or not to register, here are five great reasons why you definitely do not want to miss out on this incredible opportunity:

1. Nashville is a fantastic host city

This year, for the first time, our annual flagship event will be held in Nashville, a city which is always well worth a visit. A chance to attend this year’s Freer Future Fest is an excellent opportunity to experience everything that Nashville has to offer. This extraordinary city is renowned for its music scene, history, food, sport, and entertainment.

2. The lineup of speakers at Freer Future Fest

Another reason to attend Freer Future Fest is the opportunity to listen to our fascinating lineup of guest speakers. These speakers will be representative of a range of perspectives on pro-liberty ideas and who specialize in a wide variety of fields, including economics, philosophy, public policy, and environmentalism. Freer Future Fest presents opportunities to meet and talk with some of our speakers, who will be very approachable.

3. Learning opportunities

At Freer Future Fest, you will have an excellent opportunity to further develop your knowledge and understanding of pro-liberty ideas, while also gaining new insights. Listening to speakers who are experts in their respective fields, as well as meeting other attendees with a wide range of interests and perspectives, will contribute to a fascinating learning experience overall.

4. A unique opportunity for networking

One of the most important aspects of Freer Future Fest is that it offers the chance to meet hundreds of broadly like-minded fellow attendees. Making new connections is one of the main reasons why people interested in the ideas of liberty will choose to attend Freer Future Fest. Connections made at our events often develop into lasting friendships and lead to opportunities for employment, further studies, or even collaboration on projects.

5. Freer Future Fest means having FUN!

Last but not least, Freer Future Fest will be great fun! The overall experience of an amazing host city, great speakers, learning from some of the brightest pro-liberty thinkers and finding potential career or study opportunities, while at the same time making new friends from across the country and beyond is definitely not something to be missed.

When at Freer Future Fest, make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to attend evening social gatherings, as these are often among the highlights of the entire experience at Students For Liberty events.

Be sure to click on the button below to book your tickets to Freer Future Fest now. We look forward to seeing you in Nashville!

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