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Students For Liberty calls for the immediate release of Aung Kyaw Phyo


North Okkalapa Township, Yangon. March 3, 2021/ Aung Kyaw Phyo, a Local Coordinator with Asia-Pacific Students For Liberty, is reported to have been captured by the military during a peaceful protest in Myanmar.

According to a witness, he was with some friends, but it is unclear why he was specifically targeted. He has been detained with other students from the University of Yangon. He is expected to be transferred to Insein Prison, located in Yangon Division, near the city of Yangon (Rangoon), otherwise known as the old capital of Myanmar.

Insein Prison is widely known for repressing political dissidents, and has a reputation for abusing inmates with use of physical and mental torture. It is considered to be one of the most inhumane prisons in the world.

It is reported that on March 3, 2021, Myanmar’s security forces killed at least 38 people, opening fire on a crowd of young peaceful protesters in several cities across the country.

Prior to opening fire on civilians, military leaders have violently attacked demonstrators using tear gas, flash bangs, and stun grenades over the past few weeks.

The commander-in-chief of Myanmar’s military, Min Aung Hlaing, staged a coup d’etat on February 1, 2021 and announced a yearlong state of emergency. As of February 15, 2021, hundreds if not thousands of people have been detained, and at least 50 have died.

The last coup in Myanmar took place in 1962, which kept the Burma Socialist Programme Party in power for 26 years. The military’s recent actions have put the country back under a dictatorship.

The Students For Liberty community is deeply concerned about the ongoing events in Myanmar. Our community stands in support of everyone who wishes to exercise their right to express themselves as a means to protect their life and dignity. We are calling for the immediate release of Aung Kyaw Phyo and other peaceful protesters who have been detained.

Help us spread the word by demanding freedom and justice for Aung Kyaw Phyo. Please, share this message using the hashtag #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar with your family and friends in support of Aung Kyaw Phyo and other freedom fighters in Myanmar.

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