As an activist, you shouldn’t be spending all your time worried about logistics.
You should be spending it doing what you do best: promoting the ideas of liberty.
That is why we would like to offer student groups up to $250 in activism grants.
This grant is meant to enable you to create a really great event or activity on campus that will help you educate students on some facet of the ideas of limited government.Here are some suggested ways you could use your grant:
You are not limited to the following.
- A world fair promoting free trade and freedom of movement.
- Funding for venue space and refreshments for a big speaking event or debate.
- A “civil liberties graveyard”

Group Grant Application
Terms of Application for Group Grants
Thank you for considering applying for a group grant with Students For Liberty, we are happy to help spread the ideas of liberty with you on your campus. Because we know time is essential in organizing any event, we promise to get back to you within two weeks of submitting an application.
To ensure that the grant money, if approved, is used appropriately and effectively, we ask you, and you hereby, by submitting the application, agree upon completion of your event to provide Students For liberty with the following:
– Three quality photos of your event
– A paragraph long description of how the grant helped you carry out your event
– Data about participants of your event: At minimum name, email, school, and graduation year
– Scans of receipts which provide proof of spending in accordance with your application and a basis for reimbursement
After you have carried out your event you will be asked to fill out a short form in order to reimburse you. We will process the reimbursement within 3 weeks of your submission of the form.
Apply to the group grant below.
Group Grants Application