Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Victor Benjamin Ndeche

Victor Benjamin Ndeche

Regional Coordinator, Ghana, Benin Republic, Togo

Favorite figures in liberty: Tom G Palmer, George Ayitteh, Ayn Rand, Linda Whetstone

Bio: Victor holds a Bachelor degree in Industrial Chemistry at Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. Victor is passionate about promoting the concepts of freedom, and he dwells his discuss and activities on Free markets, individualism and feminism. He was previously the National Coordinator of Benin Republic where he revitalized SFL activities and established pro libertarian groups across the country. He also founded SFL in over six schools across the Southern Nigeria. Victor currently helps local coordinators and National Coordinators with event ideas and strategies across West Africa.

On Students For Liberty: SFL has been a platform for me to reach out and in my own minute way, shift the mentalities of persons towards a prosperous society by accepting libertarian values. SFL an organization has offered me opportunities to better myself; person and career-wise.