Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Abisola Olaiya

Abisola Olaiya

Regional Coordinator, Nigeria

Bio: Abisola Olaiya holds a Bachelor of Arts’ Degree in English Education and a Master`s Degree in the English Language at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She currently works as an administrator at Studio of Modé Ltd., and also runs a private practice events planning/styling company – Abirabbi Ltd.

She works actively in the liberty movement in Nigeria. She currently volunteers as the National Coordinator, Nigeria, Students for Liberty (Africa); Program Manager for Chale Institute  and Chapter Leader for Ladies of Liberty Alliance.

Favorite figures in liberty: Ayn Rand, Fredrick Bastiat, Friedrich Hayek, David Boaz, Milton Friedman, George  Ayittey, and Tom Palmer

On Students For Liberty: “SFL provides a platform where I can horn my leadership skills, advocate for causes that affect my society and consistently develop myself intellectually.”