Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.
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Abdullah Tijani

Abdullah Tijani

National Coordinator, Nigeria

Bio: Abdullah Tijani is a certified Mediator and Conciliator in the Nigerian Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators (ICMC). He studies Law at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He embraces libertarianism as a philosophy and journalism as a profession.

Favorite figures in liberty: Federick Bastiat, Ayn Rand, Tom Palmer, Ludwig Von Mises.

On Students For Liberty: My engagement in Students For Liberty has helped me to better view the world in its natural sense. I used to nurture the view that the government is responsible to provide its citizens all human needs, but thanks to SFL that made me understand the purpose of government should not exceed the protection of life, property, and liberty.

In order to achieve a freer future, I found libertarianism as an idea which everyone needs to understand and agree with. With the help of leadership training I completed in SFL, I was able to establish an SFL campus chapter in my school, and organized events with more than 100 participants. Why I couldn’t stop there was because there are still many students, many people out there who are still waiting for the government to give them livelihood, I want to tell them what libertarianism preaches — the reality.